GitHub vs GitLab : What Are The Key Differences?

GitHub vs GitLab : What Are The Key Differences?

GitHub vs GitLab – GitHub and GitLab sound similar and they offer something similar: source code management and git-based hosting. Where are the differences?   Through GitHub and GitLab, you can manage and host your source code, alone or in a team, for free or as …

What is a zero-day exploit ? Why are they so dangerous?

What is a zero-day exploit ? Why are they so dangerous?

Zero-day exploit – You want to know what a Zero Day Exploit is and what you can do about it? We explain it to you!   When it comes to security updates and patches for operating systems, there is always talk of zero-day exploits. But what is that …

What Is Client Server Runtime Process (csrss.exe) ?

What Is Client Server Runtime Process (csrss.exe) ?

What Is csrss.exe ?– Is the task csrss.exe listed in your Task Manager? We’ll show you what this process is and if it’s malware.       The Windows 10 Task Manager sometimes displays the csrss.exe process. The cryptic-looking name makes this file a bit worrying for some users. But is …

ASCII code and ASCII tables – Letters, Numbers and Special characters

ASCII code and ASCII tables

You want to know what ASCII code is all about? We have put together the most important information for you.   If you are interested in programming, sooner or later you will run into the word “ASCII” (pronounced aski). Below we will show you what this code …

WhatsApp Broadcast is and how it is used ?

WhatsApp Broadcast is and how it is used

WhatsApp Broadcast is the feature with which you can send the same message to multiple users. Probably the first thing that comes to mind now is that WhatsApp groups also have this feature. However, there are some differences between the two. First of all, you should not worry that one of the users might lose the message because of …

What is the difference between the processor and GPU ?

Difference between the processor and GPU

Modern smartphones operate at the expense of various components, but the main ones are considered the central and graphics processor (CPU and GPU). Despite the similar name and the fact that their main role is to process huge amounts of data, there is a huge …

Fast charging technology: what is it?

Fast charging technology

Recently, smartphones are increasingly receiving support for one or the other fast charging technology. But this fact does not please some buyers, but only frightens. They believe that fast charging speeds up the process of battery failure. Today we will try to find out if this is the …