Facebook Messenger is to receive Dislike button

Facebook finally gets a dislike button – almost. Because this Dislike-Emoji will not be part of the whole Facebook, but will only be included in the Messenger. One should be able to evaluate news in the communication application Facebooks soon positively directly and negatively. But we really want a dislike button for Facebook posts.

Facebook is testing reaction emojis for the messenger according to a report from the US website TechCrunch . Similar to Slack or iMessage, users should be able to tag emails in Messenger. These emojis should not only be positive but also negative. For example, there is a “thumbs-down” symbol. There are also five other possible emojis, including a smiling smiley or a surprised smiley.

Now you can already send emojis, also negative emojis, in messenger, as in pretty much every other communication app . The new system however allows to rate a specific message with a reaction emoji.

The dislike button is not the one we wanted

Although this feature makes a sentence or a message like or dislikely, this is not the dislike button for Facebook that so many want. Because in a one-to-one communication and the classic answer smiley completely enough. In groups makes such an emoji rating already much more sense. Nevertheless, we still want a dislike button for Facebook itself.

When the feature is implemented in the messenger is still unclear. Currently, the company is only testing it.