How to enhance home studies?

tips for you to enhance your home studies.

How to enhance home studies?

How to enhance home studies – The security measures imposed by states and municipalities due to the coronavirus pandemic meant that classes were suspended in practically the whole of USA. In many cases, schools and universities have offered online activities to make up for the delay in the calendar.

How to enhance home studies?

For many people this will be their first experience of studying online . So don’t be alarmed if in the first few days you are unable to perform as you would like. It is natural that you need time to get up to speed and can start exploring this way of learning.

Do you already have an environment prepared to learn? In this article, we have listed some tips for you to enhance your home studies.

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1. Have a place dedicated to studies

tips for you to enhance your home studies.

As much as you can eventually study “anywhere”, things work better when we create a habit.

It is possible to reinforce it by always studying in the same place. This will make your brain gradually feel “prepared” to study whenever you sit at the table in the room, for example.

A comfortable chair and table are the main items that you should consider. Place them in a quiet room in the house, preferably well lit and airy, so that you can feel at ease while attending classes online or reading books and doing the exercises recommended by teachers.

2. Organization is fundamental

Organization is fundamental

You can’t think of being productive in your studies with a messy table, full of items that are not directly related to the subjects you are studying. Keep in mind that each object must have its place: books on the shelf, pens in the case, notebooks on the shelf, and so on.

When studying, leave on the table only the material that will be needed at that time. This helps to minimize distractions.

If you don’t need your computer, leave it off or disconnected from the internet. Avoid replying to messages on your cell phone during your study period, as if you were in a classroom.

3. Set reasonable goals and take breaks during your studies

Set reasonable goals and take breaks during your studies

As much as you want to study many hours a day, in practice it is very rare that someone can maintain concentration and retain knowledge for hours on end without rest.

So it is better to dose your energy and study a little bit a day every day than many hours on a single day of the week.

Establish a home study schedule. Try to take breaks of 10 to 15 minutes every 1 hour of study. Take the opportunity to exercise, stretching your arms and legs.

Also remember to hydrate yourself: leave a bottle of water nearby and enjoy a little drink in between.

4. Have set times and talk to your family

Have set times and talk to your family

The home office modality is something new for many people and it may be that their family members are not very understanding about this at first.

The tip here is: set a daily schedule for your studies. For example, from 2 pm to 6 pm you don’t want to be interrupted.

It is very easy to fall into the temptation to grab a snack, turn on the TV or even stop for a few minutes in the living room to chat.

However, you need to think that things need to work as if you are in a classroom or office.

At this time, everyone’s collaboration is essential for you to get better results.

5. Motivation depends on you

Motivation depends on you

One of the reasons why people are unable to work or study at home is the lack of fees. In the office or in the classroom, we have a boss or teacher “watching” our work and we can be “punished” if the rules are not followed. This demand, although subtle, is a motivational factor that makes us more alert and focused.

At home, “when no one is watching,” many people tend to relax and get carried away by this lack of control.

The secret to success is to pay attention to what motivates you to continue studying. Establish small rewards for yourself, such as: if I study for x hours I will be able to play on the PC for 1 hour.

When we are faced with something that motivates us to move forward, it increases our power of concentration.


Being prepared for distance learning is an increasingly recurring need for students and teachers. Having a PC updated and suitable for internet access and the use of software with better performance is essential to obtain productivity and better results. Invest in your qualification and ensure more agility in your classes.


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