Learn how to test internet speed

test internet speed

Learn how to test internet speed

How to test internet speed – Many users constantly complain that the internet is slower than normal. While this can be true most of the time, you need to make sure it does. For that, you need to know how to test the speed of the internet.

There are several online tools that do this, without you having to register or pay for it. However, just doing a speed test does not necessarily mean that you will understand all the items presented in the result. And that’s what we’re going to talk about now.

test internet speed

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Learn how to test internet speed ?

There are several services that allow you to test the speed of the internet. For this tutorial, we suggest using the Speed ​​Test , one of the best known of its kind. Simply access the site through any browser to reach the service’s home page.

All you have to do is click on the “Start” button. After a while, the results return. The following items are displayed: ping, download and upload. However, do you know what each of them means and how to evaluate them?

How to test the internet speed
test the internet speed

What is Ping?

The term Ping is an acronym in English for “Packet InterNet Grouper”. However, the system’s creator, Michael Muuss, once stated that the purpose of choosing the term was to make an analogy to the sound of sonar.

Ping is responsible for measuring system latency. This means answering the following question: how many milliseconds does it take for an information packet to go to a certain destination and return. The value is displayed in milliseconds. So here, the lower the ping, the better the result.

This measure is especially important in online games. If the ping is too high, the time it will take between clicking a command and executing it will be longer, and depending on how much longer it is you can be harmed in your game if you are facing an opponent with a much lower ping.

Download and upload speed

The simplest terms to understand and which users pay the most attention to are download and upload speeds. Note that, in most cases, the download speed will always be higher than the upload speed.

The download speed measures exactly the speed of your connection. The more Mbps you can, the faster the content will reach you, either by downloading a file or loading a page.

The upload speed, on the other hand, measures the opposite, that is, how many Mbps are possible to be sent when uploading. This concept applies not only to times when you are uploading a video to YouTube. Whenever there is an exchange of information, the act of sending requests is considered an upload.

So, in summary: a low ping and a high download and upload speed are the desire of anyone who surfs the internet.


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