Maskmail – In these times we use a multitude of online platforms and services in which, in most cases, we are obliged to register in order to make use of them.
However, it is also quite common that we register on web portals that we are going to use in a timely manner, so we do not need to be “bombarded” with messages until the end of the day, via mail . These practices are very common, although at the same time and on many occasions, extremely annoying. That is why it can be very useful for us to be able to use email accounts different from our own and that we normally use.
That is why at the moment we have at our disposal several websites that offer us the possibility of creating anonymous and temporary email accounts , something that will be of great help to us in the cases that we have mentioned. It is for all this that in these lines we are going to talk about an interesting alternative of this type called Maskmail .
Specifically we will refer to a platform temporary email we will just give the opportunity to perform such tasks carry, generate temporary email addresses in order to use them in the registration of certain portals of Internet . This will protect us by safeguarding our anonymity, at the same time that it prevents us from using our regular email account and so that unwanted messages do not reach us .
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Protect your anonymity with Maskmail
At this point it should be noted that this is a free alternative and valid for web browser Firefox from Mozilla and Google Chrome and it will be really easy to use. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that each new anonymous email account that we create to use in other online services is associated with our original email , although this is obviously hidden at all times.
As we have said, it is a free service, although we can use a maximum of 10 anonymous email accounts , if we need more, we will have to pay. Therefore, if we need that limit of email addresses to be infinite, we will have to pay $ 10 a year, a fairly adjusted cost for those who really need to use an anonymous platform of these characteristics.
And it is that with the widespread use that we make of the Internet and the platforms that compose it, these types of services that, in a way, protect our anonymity , as is the case of Maskmail , will be very useful to us .
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