How much does YouTube pay – Many people have adopted YouTube as a profession. Producing content for a channel and being paid for it is the desire of several people who start a project on the main video network in the world. However, how much does YouTube pay per view?
First of all know that there is no exact answer to that question. The calculation of the value of a view takes into account several factors such as the type of content, the length of the video and the profile of the audience that watches it. Thus, a video with the same number of views than another can be worth more or less, depending on the parameters analyzed.
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How much does YouTube pay for video viewing?
Content creators who publish videos on YouTube are part of the YouTube Partner Program . It allows monetization of videos in exchange for displaying ads. However, simply showing an ad does not automatically generate money – you also need to get volume.
For this, there is a metric called CPM, which can be translated as “cost per thousand”. In other words, for every thousand views the channel owner receives the indicated average value. And that’s exactly where the differences appear: as many factors are taken into account, the CPM can vary widely.
A report published by the Business Insider website, which talked to 22 youtubers, divided the payment ranges into three categories:
- – 1,000 views – between $ 2 and $ 31
- – 100,000 views – between $ 500 and $ 2,500
- – 1,000,000 views – between $ 2,000 and $ 40,000
Bringing these values to the American reality, we can say that, on average, a video with a thousand views can yield something between $ 11 and $ 172. It can be less than that, it can be more, but this is a reasonable average value to take into consideration. And there is no use trying to deceive the platform: only real views, made by different profiles, with access from different IPs enter the account.
Not all videos can be monetized
In addition, it must be considered that not all videos can be monetized. If they don’t have an original soundtrack or even lend images from films and series, advertising does not generate revenue for channels – and they can even be banned from the program if they insist on violating these rules.
It may seem easy, but it is not: getting a hundred thousand views, for the vast majority of channels, is a job that takes many years. Unless you spend a lot of time producing content, it is likely to take a long time before you reach a reasonable monthly amount that can effectively serve as an income.
This account takes into account only the amounts paid by YouTube for showing ads. The hiring of other types of advertising, negotiated externally, do not enter this calculation, and often serve to increase the income of professional youtubers.
Therefore, if we were to objectively answer how much a video is worth, the answer would be between $ 0.01 and $ 0.17, taking into account the current dollar value ( $ 5.58 in May 5, 2020). When receiving this amount, taxes and bank fees will still be discounted.
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