How to hide chat on WhatsApp? 4 tips to protect yourself

How to hide chat on WhatsApp

How to hide chat on WhatsApp

How to hide chat on WhatsApp – The WhatsApp is the messenger most used by Brazilians for communication. With so much information being exchanged every day through the platform, there is nothing more natural than for users to protect themselves from what they publish or keep saved in conversations.

How to hide chat on WhatsApp

For this, there are some protection methods and third party applications that can make your information more secure. If, on the one hand, the platform has end-to-end encryption, on the other hand, not even the most secure of services will be safe if you neglect and leave data exposed to strangers.

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Archive closed conversations

Conversations that are infrequent or groups in which you have participated and are no longer can be hidden using the “archive conversations” feature. The idea is that they do not appear on the home screen, thus preventing third parties from being able to access these contents even if they have their cell phone in hand.

However, the good news is that the messages remain saved within the application, even if they have been archived. Just enter the contact’s name in the search field. Then scroll down until you find the option “Archived conversations”. Archiving a conversation is easy: tap and hold on it and wait until the corresponding option appears.

Add password to access WhatsApp

Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not have a native tool to password protect content. However, this does not mean that this type of resource is not available. Thanks to third party applications it is possible to add an extra layer of protection.

Among these options, we recommend the AppLock Lock , Locx App Lock , Lockdown Pro and Norton App Lock services . Once these apps are installed, you can set up password lock for any of your installed apps. The release can be through password, protection via drawing or biometrics.

Be specific: block WhatsApp conversations with password

If you prefer, it is possible to be even more specific: it is not necessary to block all WhatsApp , but only a few conversations. This is possible thanks to the Locker for Whats Chat App tool , also available for free on the Play Store.

It allows you to block, specifically and with different passwords, a group or a conversation with a contact. Unfortunately, the service is incompatible with other non-numeric password types. Still, this is an interesting extra protection to add to your device.

Enable fingerprint lock

Finally, newer versions of the Android operating system offer, on devices compatible with a fingerprint reader, the option of blocking apps by fingerprint. To do this, simply go directly to the WhatsApp settings .

Choose “Account” and then “Privacy“. Select “Fingerprint lock” and activate the alternative “Unlock with fingerprint“. A dialog box will ask you to confirm your biometrics again. Finally, set the downtime interval to require a new unlock.

The shorter the time, the greater the security, but if you use the messenger too often it may be better not to overdo it, otherwise it will take longer to access the service.


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