Android 12: All About the new version, release date of Google’s mobile operating system

Android 12: All About the new version of Google's mobile operating system

Android 12 updates – After many rumors, Google has finally unveiled Android 12, the new version of its mobile operating system, which will arrive soon for smartphones and tablets from various manufacturers. The announcement was made during the Google I/O event, where the company showed …

Can anyone use Google Classroom?

Anyone can use Google Classroom with a personal account; universities and schools must still opt for the G Suite.Now anyone can use Google Classroom , even with a personal account it is possible to use the platform to organize an educational project and bring students together in an online …

Google Maps will expand street detailing

Google Maps will expand street detailing

Google Maps will expand street detailing – In addition to making Google Maps more colorful, Google plans to bring more information to those who need to get around safely and efficiently. “Soon, you will be able to see highly detailed street information that shows the …

How to translate a website in Google Chrome? 2024

How to translate a website in Google Chrome?

Translate a website in Google Chrome – Consuming texts in other languages ​​need not be exclusive to those who have studied other languages. Tools like Google Translate, while not perfect, offer features that allow even a way to translate a page in Google Chrome. You may …

5 Free Google Course for Journalists on Machine Learning

Free Google Course for Journalists on Machine Learning

Free Google Course – Google launched the “Introduction to machine learning” course , aimed at journalists from around the world, including USA. Developed in collaboration with the Journalism AI initiative , from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences , and VRT News , from Belgium, the training is free and available …

Majority of Google employees will work remotely by the end of 2020

Majority of Google employees will work remotely by the end of 2020

According to The Information , the CEO of Google and Alphabet communicated to employees their perspective on 2020 during a meeting this week. For USA executives, Googlers who can work from home can continue to do so, thus helping to reduce the spread of coronavirus in offices. …