5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed – There are dozens of habits that the technologies of the past have killed. If you are over 20 years old, for example, you must remember that things were quite different when you were little. There were no cameras and cell phones everywhere and watching videos was still difficult on the internet.

Smartphones, in particular, were responsible for killing various habits and equipment. If before you needed multiple devices to do your tasks, today almost everything can be solved with a cell phone in hand.

In this article, we list five habits that technologies in recent years have put an end to. Come on?

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

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1. Visit to the video store

They still resist in some cities, but it is not the same as it was before. Today, the main way to watch a movie is via streaming, either on YouTube, Netflix or on many other streaming services, such as those of TV operators.

So the younger generation probably doesn’t know what it feels like to go to a video store to rent movies.

Visit to the video store

With the end of the rental companies, a series of habits also left. The choice of films for the weekend on Friday, the obligation to see all films before returning them and that boring visit on Mondays to return what had been rented.

2. Buy CDs or fill the MP3 player with music

When was the last time you bought a CD? Probably a long time ago. As with many people, it has also been a long time since they have downloaded a song in MP3 format to save it on their cell phone. The main responsible for killing these two habits was the internet and its streaming services.

Buy CDs or fill the MP3 player with music

We are more accustomed today to paying for the right to use a service – and thereby listening to thousands of songs without having to download or pay directly for each track. Many nostalgic still maintain their collections of CDs and even vinyls, but all of this ended up becoming a collector’s item.

3. Send SMS and make calls

Okay, there are still a lot of people who make a lot of calls these days. However, most people already prefer to use other means to chat with friends and family.

The instant messenger WhatsApp, for example, is practically ubiquitous on American ‘ cell phones. That “congratulations” on the birthday is usually received by social networks or the messenger.

Send SMS and make calls

In the case of SMS, what killed the habit of this modality was the cost. Before, it was necessary to pay for each message sent – or for a package that allowed a limited number of them.

Today, WhatsApp has completely taken on that mission. Confess: most of the time, do you call your friends or prefer to chat with them using other apps?

4. Developing photos and creating albums

The habit of developing photos was also in the past. Before smartphones, you had to develop a photo to see how the image looked. With digital cameras and, subsequently, smartphones, the photos became predominantly digital.

Developing photos and creating albums

Most users are happy to see them on the phone screen or, at most, on the computer. The main focus is publishing on social networks. It is there that albums are created and can be accessed from anywhere. The printed albums became memories for the few only in special moments.

5. Classified in newspapers

When you need to sell something, where do you advertise the product: on specialized sites on the internet or in newspaper classifieds? In smaller cities, newspapers are still an efficient means of getting information to most people.

However, in general, it is on the internet that most people make their ads.

Classified in newspapers

A post on social media reaches thousands of people in a matter of seconds – and in a few minutes the sale can be completed. In the classifieds of printed newspapers, you have to wait at least the next day and wait for the calls to try to close the deal.