
HDR : What is HDR and how does HDR work ?

What is HDR

The HDR technical specification is present in TVs , monitors, smartphones and cameras . You may not know exactly what this acronym means, but you have probably realized that images are more “vivid” when this function is available. Understanding how this technology works and what are the possible variants it …

How to make free 3D intros for YouTube channel

How to make free 3D intros for YouTube

How to make free 3D intros for YouTube – The presentation of a YouTube channel is one of the indicators of the quality of the content. Those who are dedicated to creating an introduction, certainly have aspirations to grow on the platform and offer users differentiated …

How do YouTube views work ? Understand how the platform works

How do YouTube views work

Do you know exactly how do YouTube views work ? Although the platform is used daily by millions of American , not everyone stopped to think about the rules that make a video popular. Understanding the logic behind the platform’s algorithm is essential if you want to monetize your …

How do I create a temporary email address ?

How do I create a temporary email address

How do I create a temporary email address – Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you have registered on a website and never needed to access it again? This situation is more common than you think. E-mail marketing tools often request a registration so that …

Privacy : 5 ways to surf the internet without leaving a trace

5 ways to surf the internet without leaving a trace

5 ways to surf the internet without leaving a trace – Protecting privacy while surfing the internet is what many people want. As much as they are not doing anything wrong, many do not want to have their history recorded and prefer complete anonymity. There are many …

5 Free Screen Sharing Apps online without installing anything

5 Free Screen Sharing Apps online

Best Free Screen Sharing Apps – If you have tried to teach someone at a distance without seeing the computer screen , you certainly know how complicated this task can be. Without a reference, it is difficult to imagine what exactly the person on the other end of …

How much does YouTube pay for video viewing ? Find it out!

How much does YouTube pay

How much does YouTube pay – Many people have adopted YouTube as a profession. Producing content for a channel and being paid for it is the desire of several people who start a project on the main video network in the world. However, how much does YouTube pay per …

How to hide chat on WhatsApp? 4 tips to protect yourself

How to hide chat on WhatsApp

How to hide chat on WhatsApp – The WhatsApp is the messenger most used by Brazilians for communication. With so much information being exchanged every day through the platform, there is nothing more natural than for users to protect themselves from what they publish or keep saved in …