
Where are our documents saved by default in Windows 10

Where are our documents saved by default in Windows 10

Where are our documents saved by default in Windows 10- Many millions of users are currently migrating from Microsoft operating systems that have ceased to support Windows 10 . Hence precisely the growth in market penetration that this version of the system is having over the last few …

Excel formulas will change forever with this release

Excel formulas will change forever with this release

Excel formulas – As with the different versions of Windows , which were previously tested by the Microsoft Insider team, Office also has its subscribed testers. This what allows us is to be able to know first-hand the news that will soon arrive in programs such as …

Shortcut virus: How it works and How to remove it from the Computer

Shortcut virus: how it works and how to remove it from the computer

Shortcut virus – When we generally talk about “viruses” we usually generalize referring to all kinds of computer threats, from the original “viruses” as such to the most complex threats such as worms, Trojans, spyware and even ransomware. Each of the threats has its own characteristics and …

Facebook Tips: Customize your Facebook page

How to personalize your Facebook page with Frost on Android

Customize your Facebook page – Facebook is the most populous social media network on the planet, in total, totaling millions of users, just for the Android application . Despite having many features that can change your preferences , such as not receiving ads from certain brands , not having a list of friends, or selling various …

WhatsApp supports calls with up to 8 participants

WhatsApp supports calls with up to 8 participants

Whatsapp Video call – WhatsApp supports group audio and video connections since 2018, but has always been limited to three people at the same time. The latest announced WhatsApp update (currently in beta) improves this situation because it raises the limit to eight participants (including you). Interested? Find out about the latest WhatsApp update: WhatsApp users enrolled in …

Memorize these commands: they fix most Windows errors

Memorize these commands: they fix most Windows errors

Fix Windows Errors – Computer science is something very complex, and therefore, when something goes wrong and we have to find out what it is, there are times when things get very complicated. However, many of the errors and problems that we can face in Windows are usually related, and that …