
Hive Quiz

Hive Beginner Quiz Hive Quiz : This Hive Beginner Quiz contains set of 60 Hive Quiz which will help to clear any exam which is designed for Beginner. Topics covered related to hive, apache hive, hadoop hive, hive hadoop, hive database, hive programming, database hive, …

Best Practice for ABAP Performance and Tuning

Hit List and the Call Hierarchy

Performance Tuning in ABAP Summary   ABAP Performance and Tuning – This Article describes the Performance tuning in ABAP, how to optimize the ABAP code and various tools used for performance tuning.  What is performance tuning?  Performance tuning is to anticipate, identify, analyze, and solve performance …

How to stop automatic app updates on Android

How to stop automatic app updates on Android

How to stop automatic app updates on Android –There are several reasons why you might want to block the Play Store from updating your apps automatically. Maybe a new update broke functionality, or you want more control over your data usage and don’t want to burn out of your cell limit ? Whatever the reason, here’s how …

How to find someone on Instagram using their phone number

How to find someone on Instagram using their phone number

How to find someone on Instagram using their phone number -To find a given user on Instagram, you can use another social network, his name or via… phone number. If you know someone personally and want to discover their account using the latter method – it is possible. If you do not know how to …

Twitch TV chat commands : what are the service’s main chat commands

Twitch TV chat commands

Twitch TV chat commands – Like YouTube , Twitch TV has become one of the main entertainment channels for watching video content. Although the main focus of the platform is the gamer audience, there are broadcasts from the most diverse segments in the service. During live streams it is possible to …

5 curiosities about virtual attacks that you need to know to protect yourself

Virtual Attacks – As the volume of confidential information stored on online systems grows , so do attempts to attack that data. Knowing curiosities about the virtual attacks that occur in 2020 can be a way to prevent it. Although prevention methods have evolved considerably, hackers’ boldness has also grown …

How a neural networks works and what it is for ?

How a neural networks works

Neural networks – Is computing capable of imitating the functioning of the human brain and, with that, can it increase its processing potential ? This is the premise behind a neural network, an almost century-old concept, but one that has never been in such evidence as it is …

Telegram now supports video calling on Android

Telegram now supports video calling on Android

Telegram now supports video calling on Android – Telegram has announced a new update for the Android application, which will allow you to initiate video calls . Given that in 2020 there has been a strong emphasis on connectivity and most messaging applications offer video calling, Telegram …

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed – There are dozens of habits that the technologies of the past have killed. If you are over 20 years old, for example, you must remember that things were quite different when you were little. There …

WhatsApp Business: how to create customer categories in the app

WhatsApp Business: how to create customer categories in the app

WhatsApp Business: how to create customer categories in the app – The relationship with customers is essential for any business and in times of high online commerce WhatsApp has become one of the main business tools in the country. For those who use WhatsApp Business , knowing how …