How to print photos in Windows 10 ?

How to print photos in Windows 10

How to print photos in Windows 10 – We live in the era of digital photos, but not everyone decided to leave once the photo are printed. Proof of this is that Windows 10 has incorporated features that allow the user to print photos without further complications. However, most people don’t …

Next update of Windows 10 will improve Google Chrome

Next update of Windows 10 will improve Google Chrome

Windows 10 Google Chrome update – Microsoft has already contributed to the battery and accessibility areas of Google Chrome and Edge and is now improving Chrome’s integration with Windows 10 Action Center. Microsoft’s attention to Chrome may seem strange, but this happens after Microsoft Edge adopts …

How to completely and permanently disable Windows Defender in Windows 10

How to completely and permanently disable Windows Defender in Windows 10

Permanently disable Windows Defender in Windows 10 – Windows Defender is the security solution developed by Microsoft to protect Windows users from malware. This program, which is activated by default at the end of Windows installation, monitors all system files and notifies the user whenever any …

Where are our documents saved by default in Windows 10

Where are our documents saved by default in Windows 10

Where are our documents saved by default in Windows 10- Many millions of users are currently migrating from Microsoft operating systems that have ceased to support Windows 10 . Hence precisely the growth in market penetration that this version of the system is having over the last few …

Memorize these commands: they fix most Windows errors

Memorize these commands: they fix most Windows errors

Fix Windows Errors – Computer science is something very complex, and therefore, when something goes wrong and we have to find out what it is, there are times when things get very complicated. However, many of the errors and problems that we can face in Windows are usually related, and that …

How to use the hidden currency converter in Windows 10

How to use the hidden currency converter in Windows 10

If you are going to make a trip to a destination where a different currency is used, you are looking to buy something online in a different currency or you simply need to know how is the change between one currency and another , surely you have …

Do you like to draw? Check out these alternatives to Procreate for Windows 10

Do you like to draw? Check out these alternatives to Procreate for Windows 10

  Of course, no one would think to use Paint to make illustrations or freehand drawing. Today there are infinitely more powerful and professional applications than Microsoft’s drawing software that come with a large number of brushes and tools to create all kinds of compositions. One of …

WSAPPX process, what it is and how it affects your CPU and hard drive in Windows 10

WSAPPX process

If we’ve ever taken a look at the list of processes running in Task Manager, we may have come across an entry called WSAPPX, a process that sometimes uses a lot of CPU and hard drive resources . Well, this process is the one that handles UWP applications and the official Windows …